Condo Safety Webinar of THE YEAR

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“Siri, define UNMISSABLE.” If you handle condos, you’ll need a stepping stone. Watch this Webinar of THE YEAR now. You’re busy and missed it, we get it.
THIS IS YOUR 2024 SPRINGBOARD. Reinforced by Senator Jason Pizzo (D) and Senator Jennifer Bradley (R) — titans of the bipartisan Condo Safety SB154 law, fixing Florida structurally & fiscally.
Topics: Safety & Funding; January Session (what can pass).

If your condo is 3+ stories and 30+ years old — it’s a triple threat of mandatory Milestone/Recertification & SIRS costs, fully funded reserves and rising premiums. Condos hear the footsteps… No more kids paying. Say bye to non-legacy.

Stone Engineering & Reserves move weight from your shoulders to your pockets. No big words, only real problems fixed.
Here’s the stoneprint:

We don’t take communities for granite.